Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What an Experience! Challenge to Follow!!!

This journey through the Book of John has been a fulfilling, learning experience. It is a discipline that should already be instilled in me. Excuses or not, the bottom line is we should be feeding ourselves daily.

I know with the holidays and with normal motherhood responsibilities, blogging may not be an everyday thing. (Thus, why some of my post fall all on the same night.) However, reading and building myself up on the foundation of God's Word is a MUST, even more because I am a mom and my children are looking to me to be their example in life. My diligence in daily filling myself and prayer has already had GREAT results. My babies, every night read a devotion. It is a must before going to bed. This is an amazing blessing I am so thankful for. Just the other night I was away during bedtime and Dad was out of town. My 6 year old son woke up that morning and said, "Mom, I know you will be away at bedtime, but I already have the devotion ready for tonight and I will read it to my sister before we go to bed." Thank you, Lord, that my children are already learning how to be your disciples.

CHALLENGE: I have challenged kids for years to read one chapter of Proverbs a day every month. We should all GET WISDOM. How do we get the wisdom of the Lord? Read the wisdom He gave us. It just so happens that Proverbs has 31 chapters, wisdom for each day of the month. I am going to begin reading Proverbs each day. Starting in January, as my schedule permits, I will blog about Proverbs in the same fashion I did John with a hint of how God is speaking to my children through Proverbs, as well.

Parents, we have a HUGE responsibility to our children to be feeding them the word of God. I challenge you to not only encourage them to read the Bible, but to share in their Bible experience. You were given a Great Gift when you were given a child. To much is given, MUCH is required.

21 Day Challenge: John 21

Verse: John 21:12
"Breakfast is ready."

Thought: God is going to call us to never give up. He may lead us to go above and beyond. We may have to work for some of the things that come into our lives. However, God shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. Breakfast is served!

Prayer: Lord, when you ask me to keep trying or to take one more step, help me to follow through. You may have an abundant blessing waiting on the other side, ready to meet all my needs.

21 Day Challenge: John 20

Verse: John 20:29
Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

Thought: The world says SEEING IS BELIEVING! Jesus says, "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." In our human nature it is hard to believe something will happen until we see it happen. I know we try to have faith, belief without seeing, but reality is that is hard. We always refer to Thomas as Doubting Thomas. I wonder how many of us could be labeled with the same word.

Prayer: God, honestly I could easily be labeled at times as a doubting person. Lord, as I continue to grow to be more like you, help me to believe more. It is easy to believe when the answer is right in front of my face, but I still need the help in believing in all the promises I can not see. Help!

21 Day Challenge: John 19

Verse 1: John 19:5b
Pilate announced, "Here He is, THE MAN"

Verse 2: John 19
Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above."

Thought 1: It is nice to know that in the end, no one could deny who Jesus truly was. He was more than the King of the Jews, he was the King of kings..."THE MAN".

Thought 2: God has ultimate power over everything. Nothing happens without God. Up until this time we read things like, they tried to capture him, but it was not His time. When the time was not right it couldn't happen, BUT when the time came, all authority was given to fulfill scripture and the ultimate sacrifice.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, that You are in control of all things. Even Pilate had to obey Your perfect will. Thank you that You are a mighty God, alive and with power. Amen.

21 Day Challenge: John 18

Verse: John 18:27
Again, Peter denied it. Just then a rooster crowed.

Thought: "Here's your sign." Amazing! If Peter ever had any doubt in his mind about who Jesus is, I bet in that moment it all became to real. It happened exactly like he said. Denial number three and a rooster crows. "Here's your sign."

Prayer: God, may I never waiver from believing Your truth, trusting in You, and standing up for You whom I believe in. Lord, may I never find myself ashamed of being a Christ follower. Amen.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

You ARE What You ARE

After a trying time in ministry, my husband and I decided that we would take a step back temporarily and allow some time to heal. In all this I have taken on a new job that really was not going to require much leadership. I recently told a friend that I was taking a step back from the leadership role in most areas of my life. His response was he had never tried taking a step back from leadership but he would imagine for him it would be hard.

I have decided he was RIGHT. No matter how hard I try to stay in the background and simply exist like most people, I am thrust to the forefront to take on some important task or mission. I really have discovered that I can not deny who God made me to be. I can't be something I am not. I have had certain leadership qualities in me since I was a young girl. I guess it would be hard to run from yourself and certainly running from who God made me is a ridiculous thought. So, I will take challenges as God leads me, and I guess what I thought was going to be a vacation from leading, well it's over...and that's okay. Let's go, God. I'm willing and ready!

21 Day Challenge: John 17

Verse: John 17:15
"My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."

Thought: As Christians, many times, we think, "Lord, I am ready to be with you." What a great thought to walk the streets of gold and worship our Lord and Savior face to face. However, as Jesus was praying for the disciples and I have to think for every believer to follow, his prayer was for protection over us as we remain in the world doing the work of the Lord.

We are not comfortable here on Earth, nor will we ever be because we are in the world not of this world. We are the redeemed called for a heavenly purpose. May we not be so anxious to head home before our work here is complete.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for Your protection. Jesus, You walked in our footsteps and knew the trials we would one day face. Even in Your hardest trial You were thinking of us and the trials we would face because we love You. Thank You for loving us so much. Give us the strength to stand against the enemy without growing weary to accomplish all You have called us to.

21 Day Challenge: John 16

Verse: John 16:31
"You believe at last!"

Thought: Just like the disciples, we wake up and say, "I get it!" I wonder how much amusement God gets out of coming up with new and creative ideas to send us a message before we finally GET IT?

Prayer: Lord, may I grow to know You so intimately that I UNDERSTAND IT the first time. In the times we live in now, I would hate to waste time trying to figure everything out You have for me. In the right time may I KNOW IT because I KNOW YOU!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

21 Day Challenge: John 15

Verse: John 15:2
"He cuts off every branch in me that does not bear fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."

Thought: My Grandma and Mother-in-Law have very slowly taught me how to keep a flowerbed alive. One of the things I have learned is to get rid of the plants or parts of plants that have died. These dead plants will only destroy the life around them. The other very important thing I learned was to quickly prune off any buds that had bloomed and died. This allows the plant to only feed productive parts of the plant.

Now Grandma was my Christian example. She poured a lot of God into my life. We walked to church together and sang in the choir together. Even in gardening she was teaching biblical principles that I will carry through the rest of my life.

To follow Jesus whole heartedly we need to lose the parts of our lives that are dead in sin. We need to uproot those parts of our lives and get rid of it. However, it does not stop there. We must daily prune away the areas in our lives that God is still working on. Those things he reveals to us that are still not of Him, we need to lose it and continue to feed the part of our life that follows after Christ. Most importantly stay connected to the God, the Vine.

Prayer: Lord, whether it is a comfortable feeling or not, continue to prune away the things in my life that are not 100 percent sold out for You. I pray that I have the diligence and desire to feed myself daily with Your word to continue to grow and stay connected to You.

A Little Something

The difference between "ordinary" and "extraordinary" is that little extra.

Monday, December 3, 2007

21 Day Challenge: John 14

Verse: John 14:27
"I do not give to you as the world gives."

Thought: I am so glad God does not give as the world gives. The world gives and expects something in return. Jesus sacrificed it all and asked us for nothing. The world gives and takes it away again. Jesus gives and gives and gives. The world says it will give and then never does. Jesus does what He says He will do, every time. The world feeds our habits. God fills our needs. God gives freely, willingly, sacrificially even unto death because He loves us.

Prayer: Thank you God that You were in this world, but not of this world. Help me not to covet what it looks like the world has because it has nothing. Thank you for the gift of salvation that you freely give to all that ask. Lord, I look to You for the things I need. You have all I will ever need.

21 Day Challenge: John 13

Verse: John 13:38b
I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.

Thoughts: Wow! Peter loves Jesus so much that he says he would die for Jesus. Jesus' response, "no you won't. In fact, you are going to deny me." I can see myself in Peter. At this point he is probably feeling a bit unsure. In his heart he loves Jesus with everything that is in him, just as I have done since a very young age. However, Peter inevitably denies knowing Christ 3 times after that moment. Now we are probably not faced with a point blank question of knowing or denying Christ the way Peter was, but in our daily lives we are faced with opportunities to do it God's way or not. In essence isn't this accepting or deny Christ's existence in our lives. I have a choice to get angry and go on a rampage and show anger in my words, actions, countenance...or I can choose to love the other person. One way accepts Christ as a part of our life and the other way denies His existence in us.

As a teenager growing up I had to make choices. These choices accepted Jesus or denied Him. It would have been easy to go with the crowd, to blend in, to be just like the world, but that choice would have said, "No to Jesus." We have opportunity to deny Jesus in our daily lives just like Peter. We are no different. What choices are we making? Are we saying, "Yes to Jesus?"

Prayer: Lord, I do not think myself any better than Peter. I have to face the choice every single day to do it Your way or not. Help me to choose You above everything else, no matter the cost. God, I choose You.

21 Day Challenge: John 12

Verse: John 12:32
But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.

Thought: There are times in our lives when we go through things that really seem BAD. We don't understand why it has to happen. In fact, the other people inflicting this BAD stuff probably really enjoy what they are doing. However, whatever Satan means for BAD, God can use for His glory. Here these horrible people want to kill Jesus and raise Him up as an example of "What NOT to be". They raise Him up as a mockery. All they did in reality was follow the WILL of the Father in Heaven. Jesus was raised high for all to see so that God would be glorified. The very thing they were trying to avoid, stopping people from drawing to Jesus, was the very thing they accomplished for Heaven. Men were drawn to Jesus even more.

I know the junk we have to go through sometimes in our Christian walk really doesn't seem right or fair. However, in the midst of it all, God has a plan. He will raise us up as a light to the world so that He may be glorified. Walk through those times with your head held high.

Prayer: Lord, my prayer has always been to make me more like you. Jesus did not travel an easy road. May I not give up in the midst of hard times and may I remember that you work ALL things together for good to them who love the Lord. When I walk the hard trials of life, may I see your plan and rise above it so that You may be glorified.