Saturday, January 26, 2008

Let the Children Come

Children's Ministry is not for everyone. Some people can not even consider being in a room with more than one or two kids at a time, but for me it is a calling, something I was meant to do. I would like to challenge you today to reach out to the little people God places in your life. God is all about life change, FOR EVERYONE. Don't be afraid they won't bite, not that long, anyway.

Proverbs 22:6, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

When we think of Making Disciples for Christ we need to start while they are young. It is proven that as a person gets older it is less likely that they will make a decision for Christ. The way they are raised and influenced early in life carries on through to adulthood. Our belief system develops early. If Christ is not poured into their lives early, they will one day wake up with a void they can not figure out how to fill. And we all know that it is much harder to talk to and fascinate a teenager than it is to awe and influence a child. It is never too early to start making a difference in a person's life. So,don't pass up an opportunity to share Jesus with a child, while they still think you know more than they do. It could make all the difference for the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus knew how important it was to touch the life of a young person. He was quoted in the Gospels as saying, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

I really like this illustration in the Bible. Here we have a group of guys who are bothered and probably nervous around a bunch of children. They think that children would do nothing but bother and disrupt Jesus. Funny, adults still think that way sometimes. They put children at a different table to eat at large gatherings or seclude children to the back half of a room to avoid any disruption. Yet, Jesus counted them the most precious of all. In fact, He thinks we should be more like them. Don't be afraid to let children join in adult worship or join you in an adult setting. If you watch, they worship without any reservation. They don't have their minds full of life, but their hearts full of awe, love, and wonder.

Children, learn by our example. Are we living a life, right before God, worthy to be their example. I encourage you to not just make disciples within your comfort zone, but reach far beyond what you can imagine and reach others you would not normally interact with...including children. After all, the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them. The influence you have for Christ in the life of a child will carry through a lifetime having a rippling effect for YEARS to come.

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