Thursday, February 1, 2007

Children: Imitators of Worship

Do you know what moves my heart faster than anything? To see a child worship a mighty God is MOVING. I have been teaching kids to sing for the Lord for a long time, and it never ceases to tug at my heart (and tear ducts) when I see a child finally "get it" and be in total surrender to the Lord. Although some praise songs carry a sense of entertainment and amusement they are teaching truths that children can hang onto when they need God. They provide an avenue for kids to express their joy and appreciation for being the mighty God He is. Psalm 8:2 tells us that praise, even in the mouths of children, silences the enemy. There is supernatural power that is released through a child's worship that goes far beyond our natural reasoning, silencing the enemy that comes against us all each day.

Often times, children imitate what they see adults doing in worship. Through these times of imitation, or learning as I call it, they are experiencing God in a new and exciting way. Jesus said, that in the mouths of babes, He would furnish a place of praise. A child's praise is perfect (Matthew 21:15-16). They are building a shield of protection around their minds and hearts as they enter into God's presence. They WILL imitate our worship. As adults, are we setting an example of worship for those that look up to us? Are we able to lose OURSELVES in total surrender to an AWESOME GOD.

1 comment:

Jason Curlee said...

Great job...loved the is something that I am passionate about as well.