Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kids "IN" Ministry

In children's ministry we should TOGETHER Impact, Disciple and Empower kids to change the world for Jesus. It is not just about sharing the word with them, but helping them to follow Jesus' example in LEADING others to God. We should not, as adults, be afraid to put kids in ministry positions. Are they going to perform perfect every time?...NO. Do we? Disciple them. Guide them. Lead them. Wasn't Jesus "about His father's business" as a CHILD.

Children have excitement and passion that we sometimes lose as we get older. They have an unfaltering FAITH and unconditional LOVE that can spread like wild fire in the lives of those around them. They bounce back and try and try again without giving up. Are we that resilient?

Are we impacting children for Jesus? Are we discipling the kids INTO the ministry? Are we empowering them, allowing them, to "be about their Father's business"? Change the TIDE for children...IMPACT...DISCIPLE...EMPOWER!

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