Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Until the Whistle Blows

It has been a while, but I needed to reflect a bit. This has been a very sad week or so for me. Last week two of my former students lost a parent, one to cancer and one to kidney failure. This was hard for me because I don't wish for any child to be without their support system especially to death.

This evening in the midst of reflecting upon these lives, I watched the movie We Are Marshall. In the movie the coach says to get out there and play until the whistle blows. You know, that is what God asks of us, too. Get out there and get it done until the trumpet sounds His return.

Losing parents, friends, is not easy. God deals with this loss everyday. He desires that none would perish. We as Christians should purpose in our minds everyday to make a difference and connect people to the salvation of Christ. We shouldn't rest until we have done all we can do. Anymore, I think poeple take the easy way out. Jesus never waited for the lost to find Him. He went and found them. We should follow in that example. So, "Get out there and play until the whistle blows."

1 comment:

Jason Curlee said...

great thought...how many Christians hit a little hard time and hit the sidelines?