Monday, December 3, 2007

21 Day Challenge: John 12

Verse: John 12:32
But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.

Thought: There are times in our lives when we go through things that really seem BAD. We don't understand why it has to happen. In fact, the other people inflicting this BAD stuff probably really enjoy what they are doing. However, whatever Satan means for BAD, God can use for His glory. Here these horrible people want to kill Jesus and raise Him up as an example of "What NOT to be". They raise Him up as a mockery. All they did in reality was follow the WILL of the Father in Heaven. Jesus was raised high for all to see so that God would be glorified. The very thing they were trying to avoid, stopping people from drawing to Jesus, was the very thing they accomplished for Heaven. Men were drawn to Jesus even more.

I know the junk we have to go through sometimes in our Christian walk really doesn't seem right or fair. However, in the midst of it all, God has a plan. He will raise us up as a light to the world so that He may be glorified. Walk through those times with your head held high.

Prayer: Lord, my prayer has always been to make me more like you. Jesus did not travel an easy road. May I not give up in the midst of hard times and may I remember that you work ALL things together for good to them who love the Lord. When I walk the hard trials of life, may I see your plan and rise above it so that You may be glorified.

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